l i e n
r e s t a u r a n t & b a k e
What is l i e n
A place where people connect...
Lien aims to be a restaurant that can connect with us, producers and customers through food. This lien is a place where we don't just cook food as a chef, but we treat the ingredients with respect and enthusiasm for the thoughts and commitments of the producers, and connect that background to our customers.

Each plate expresses things and things that should be cherished through food, from the past, present, and future of Japanese culture, history, and food culture. We travel to various places, learn about the history and knowledge of the ingredients from the local people, and embody the ingredients in a single dish, creating various backgrounds to find out what the ingredients should be. ? It takes a lot of experience to get the most out of it. Our mission is not only knowledge and technology, but also our thoughts, creativity, intuitive ideas, and what we feel when we go to the place, and express it on a plate with our five senses, and deliver it to our customers. I think. We will strive to make each customer feel their thoughts.